A Shower Floor in Middletown Regained Its Beauty Thanks to Our Tile Cleaning Crew
October 09, 2024
A soiled shower could bring anyone's mood down, especially after weeks of trying to fight the spread of mold. This was the case for a homeowner in Middletown who was disappointed by the stains altering the appearance of his shower floor. He knew that cleaning that part of the shower could be a real struggle at times, since the small ceramic tiles didn't offer much room to work with after mold got stuck on the grout. Still, it only took a few weeks for discoloration to cover most of the surface until the tiles' colors were hidden under a large black stain at the center of the floor.
This obviously required something more than regular cleaners and DIY tricks, so the homeowner started looking for tile cleaning services in Middletown. He meticulously perused different websites and online reviews, and his research showed the stark differences separating Sir Grout of New Castle County from other options in the area. The homeowner decided to make his request via phone call, and our agent was happy to assist him, confirming the date for an in-home evaluation a few minutes later.
Our techs visited his house a few days later, as requested. They carefully inspected the shower area and each of the tiles on the floor, ultimately ruling out the chances of cracks in the ceramic. The grout, however, needed some repairs since parts of the seams had started to go loose after absorbing water and soap. It was obvious that the discoloration was severe, so our techs immediately offered to use their professional equipment on the floor. As they told the client, bleach and other traditional products would only worsen the problem while trapping more dirt on the grout pores. The homeowner fully agreed with this assessment, so he didn't have to think twice before scheduling a new appointment for the restoration.
On the scheduled date, our specialists returned to his house with everything they needed to complete the job that same day. For the first step, they scrubbed off the dirt from the tiles after soaking the surface with a permeating cleaner. Our experts scrubbed off every inch of the floor until the tile's layout regained its original appearance and vapor cleaned the shower stall to address all the moldy spots.
Then, they repaired the damage to the seams, removing the damaged caulk and installing epoxy grout on the seams and corner joints. Resistant to water and mold, our epoxy mix is the best way to slow down the effects of wear and keep moisture from seeping behind the tiles. To fully restore the floor, our experts went on to apply ColorSeal between the tiles. With the white sealant in place, all the contrasting colors came together to give the floor a lively, elegant look. More importantly, our sealant would protect the grout's porous surface against external agents like water, efflorescence, mold, and mildew.
The homeowner was impressed with the transformation when he saw the result. He thanked our specialists for delivering such high-quality services while marveling at the floor's brand-new appearance. He also promised to recommend our restoration process to his friends and relatives in Middletown.
Our specialists had some additional pointers to help the client with the maintenance of his shower. Regular cleaners had prompted a lot of damage in the past, so when they introduced pH-neutral formulas as an alternative, the homeowner was eager to learn more. Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner is the best way to ensure that you never become overwhelmed by the stains on your shower surfaces. It removes thick layers of mold in minutes, along with the residue left by soap and the minerals in hard water. With our product, it's easier to counter the corrosion caused by moisture because the grout isn't constantly exposed to chemical ingredients. There are also no toxic fumes invading your bathroom, so it's a safer option when it comes to residential areas.
Next, we recommend using the right equipment to prevent damage to delicate ceramic surfaces. A tile floor can easily get scratch marks if you use something like a steel wool to scrub off any leftover stickiness. Our specialists always recommend sticking to non-abrasive tools like a towel, a terry cloth, or a squeegee; the result will be much more satisfying.
Lastly, they reminded the client to open the windows and doors to prevent the spread of mold in damp areas like her shower floor. Your weekly cleaning routine can only do so much if your surfaces aren't properly ventilated the rest of the time.
Can't get your shower to look as good as it did in the past? You can trust the team at Sir Grout of New Castle County. Our experts are ready to put their skills at your disposal until your shower surfaces regain all their former beauty. Contact us today by calling (302) 450-1447, or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment. Also, don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.
Categories: Tile, Grout, Cleaning, Sealing, Caulking, Grout Repair, ColorSeal, Residential, Floors, Showers